March 2025 - NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

Welcome to this month's edition of our newsletter. Many significant and valuable Infectious Diseases events are just around the corner, including ESCMID, ICHS, Fred Hutch, and more, where many NCIC colleagues will be contributing and presenting their research. Both Professor Karin Thursky and I are on sabbatical where we will be visiting multiple countries and centres to connect with international colleagues and learn about how different infectious disease departments operate.

Research Updates

Doctor Abby Douglas and Associate Professor Michelle Yong travelled to Honolulu for the Tandem2025 meeting. Abby presented her latest guidelines on rare moulds for the American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT), while Michelle participated in the ASTCT Infectious Diseases Special Interest Group meeting!

Doctor Abby Douglas presented the American Society of Cellular Transplantation (ASTCT) #8 Management and Prevention of Non-Aspergillus Molds Guidelines

Doctor Abby Douglas was the invited first author for these international guidelines to answer clinical questions on risk factors, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment for difficult molds such as Mucormycosis, Fusariosis and Scedosporiosis/Lomentosporiosis. Gathering all the evidence and studies (largely non-RCT) together in conjunction with working with experts across the globe, the guidelines answer important questions such as utility of galactomannon, PCR testing, treatment drug interactions and whether we can proceed with transplantation.

A/Professor Michelle Yong - Refractory and Resistant Herpes Simplex Virus Mucocutaneous Infections in Immunocompromised Patients: Literature Review and Proposed Definitions for Use in Clinical Trials

Associate Professor Michelle Yong was part of the writing group for the first ever proposed definitions of resistant refractory HSV infections. This viral infection largely affects haploidentical allogeneic or cord blood transplants, carrying a high mortality rate with very few treatment options. Testing capabilities are limited in many countries, but the publishing of these definitions will help shape trial design to advance new therapies.

NCIC Recent Publications

NCIC Updates

Farewell and Welcome

This month marks Jia’s final month with the NCIC. Before her departure, we asked her about her experience during her 12-month stay as our clinical visiting fellow:

'My time at the National Centre for Infections in Cancer has significantly enhanced my understanding of managing infections in immunocompromised patients.

Beyond clinical management, I've gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of robust infection prevention strategies, antimicrobial stewardship, diagnostic stewardship, antibiotic allergy assessment and de-labelling, as well as the integration of digital health in delivering improved patient care.

Additionally, the opportunity to participate in clinical trials and research has not only deepened my knowledge but also broadened my perspective in the research field.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to be involved in both clinical practice and research, and I look forward to applying this knowledge to help improve patient care and infectious disease management in the future. '

Farewell: Doctor Jia HuiLoh (Visiting 12 month stay Fellow from Malaysia)

Welcome: Doctor Enric Sastre (Bellvitge University Hospital, University of Barcelona) Doctor Jessica O’Keefe (Barwon Health) and Doctor Lan Lan Chan (Queen Elizabeth Hospital)

Sabbatical Updates

Professor Karin Thursky is currently in Padua, Italy for the World Health Forum. Karin is visiting with Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Verona, Italy, Evalina Tacconelli.

Professor Monica Salvin is currently in the United Kingdom attending a workshop for her new appointment of as the new Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (JAC), BSAC’s flagship journal. We’re proud to have her leadership and look forward to the continued advancements she’ll help drive in the field. Congratulations, Monica.

Upcoming Events

Tomorrow- 15th Febrile Neutropenia Symposium
March 15 - 16, 2025

Free for ICHS Members!

This year’s Symposium will focus on reviewing this unpublished, cutting-edge information, with presentations by experts directly involved in the development of the recent review of the ECIL 10 Guidelines. Additionally, a distinguished group of international speakers will deliver lectures on the latest advancements in the management of immunocompromised hosts.

ESCMID Global 2025, April 11- 15, 2025, Vienna, Austria

We’re just one month away from the 2025 ESCMID meeting in Vienna, and we’re excited to share that a large contingent from NCIC will be heading to Australia to present their research.

The NCIC ESCMID timetable is available below, and you can also download a PDF version here to easily access and plan for all NCIC presentations. With so many excellent talks, we want to make it simple for you to attend and not miss any of the exciting sessions!

Special lecture series hosted by The National Center Child Health and Development, Japan

Fred Hutch Symposium on Infectious Diseases in Immunocompromised Host  

May 11 – 14, 2025, in Seattle, Washington

Education opportunities

Visiting Fellow Program and PhD Projects

Our visiting fellow program focuses on enhancing infection management skills for diverse cancers and immunocompromised hosts within a tertiary centre that is pioneering new cancer therapies. Fellows will be guided by experienced supervisors, and we welcome applications from both national and international locations to join this collaborative learning opportunity. We’ve already received numerous applications for this year, so if you're interested in the program, please don't hesitate to reach out and learn more.

As Australia’s leading centre for infections in cancer, we aim to provide students with the chance to complete their PhD with us. This is a great opportunity to work on projects in a rapidly growing field, where new cancer therapies are being developed. As survival rates improve, the epidemiology of infections in immunocompromised patients continues to evolve, creating a need for better diagnostics and treatments.

Follow us!

We look forward to connecting with you on both LinkedIn and BlueSky.

Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer

First Edition 2025 - NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

Welcome to NCIC’s first newsletter of 2025! We're excited for a year filled with research, events, and updates on Infections in Cancer, both in Australia and globally. Already, the NCIC has made great strides with several publications, including research from Associate Professor Ben Teh and Dr. Victoria Hall featured in the New England Journal of Medicine. We're also thrilled to welcome Dr. Nalian Ibrahim as our 2025 Clinical Registrar in the Infectious Diseases Department at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. We look forward to an exciting year of national and international meetings ahead!

Research Updates

NCIC lead researchers Associate Professor Ben Teh and Doctor Victoria Hall's research has been published in The New England Journal of Medicine!

Research led by Doctor Victoria Hall and Associate Professor Ben Teh found that for blood cancer patients, a single dose of an age-appropriate flu vaccine is sufficient, with no added benefit from using adjuvanted vaccines or two doses.

Their study simplifies vaccination strategies, ensuring better use of resources and improving access for immune-compromised patients. The next focus is increasing vaccine uptake and finding additional ways to protect those with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

NCIC 2025 Publications

This year already, NCIC has been busy, they have authored and co-authored a suite of clinical publications on the treatment and management of a range of infections in the Immunocompromised Host. To read all NCIC publications please find the link to our website here.

NCIC Updates

Welcome new starter: Doctor Nalian Ibrahim

We are excited to welcome Dr. Nalian Ibrahim as the 2025 Clinical Registrar for the Infectious Diseases Department! Nalian joins us from her previous role as an Infectious Diseases Advanced Trainee at Royal Melbourne Hospital and Monash Health. With a strong research background, she is a fantastic addition to our team. We’re thrilled to have such a talented and dedicated new member taking on the Clinical Registrar role for 2025!

NCIC Opportunities

Education opportunities

Visiting Fellow Program

This year, we hosted many visiting fellows from various global locations, Italy, Spain, Singapore and many more. It was a successful year in promoting collaboration and education, all aimed at improving outcomes for immunocompromised patients. This program focuses on enhancing infection management skills for diverse cancers and immunocompromised hosts within a tertiary centre that is pioneering new cancer therapies.

PhD Projects

Next year, the NCIC will offer several PhD opportunities. As Australia’s leading centre for infections in cancer, we aim to provide students with the chance to complete their PhD with us. This is a great opportunity to work on projects in a rapidly growing field, where new cancer therapies are being developed. As survival rates improve, the epidemiology of infections in immunocompromised patients continues to evolve, creating a need for better diagnostics and treatments.

Upcoming events

Australian Society for Antimicrobials 24th Annual Scientific Meeting 2025

20th -22nd February, Melbourne, Australia

The 2025 Howard Florey Oration will be delivered by Karin Thursky from The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

The programme's symposia cover many different aspects of antimicrobials and sessions including:

  • Complex AMR Infections in Vulnerable Populations

  • Mycobacteria

  • Mycology

  • Post COVID: Ongoing Public Health Challenges

  • Gram-negative Bacteria


April 11- 15, 2025, Vienna, Austria

We look forward to seeing you in Vienna for the 2025 ESCMID meeting! A large contingent from NCIC will be heading to Australia to present their research, and we’re excited to announce that Professor Karin Thursky will be a keynote speaker.

Stay tuned for our upcoming NCIC ESCMID timetable, featuring all NCIC presentations. With so many high-quality talks, we want to make it easy for you to access and attend them. We’ll provide a downloadable PDF with a clear layout of the sessions to ensure you don’t miss a thing!

Fred Hutch Symposium on Infectious Diseases in Immunocompromised Host  

May 11 – 14, 2025, in Seattle, Washington

Please join us on May 11 – 14, 2025, in Seattle, Washington, for the 5th Symposium on Infectious Diseases in the Immunocompromised Host. Mark your calendar for an expanded two and a half-day program that brings together leaders and trainees in research and clinical care of infectious diseases in the immunocompromised host.

The NCIC is on BlueSky now!

We are excited to share that the NCIC will be transitioning to BlueSky.

Make sure to follow us on BlueSky and stay tuned for more developments as we settle into this new space and don’t forget, you can always stay connected with the team and community on LinkedIn for the latest updates and news. 

We look forward to connecting with you on both LinkedIn and BlueSky.

Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer

End of Year 2024 - NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

This year has been another highly productive one for our team and our wonderful collaborators.

I want to congratulate everyone on their achievements and contribution to progressing our research vision of preventing and better treating infections in people with cancer. Everyone’s work is very important and much valued in working towards this goal.

With the award of a new CRE we will be looking to expand our team in 2025 with new PhD candidates and a clinical research fellow, see link here.

Hoping you all have some rest and opportunity to spend time with loved ones over the holiday period and look forward to another bumper year in 2025.

2025 Opportunities

Job opportunity- NCIC Research Fellow

The National Centre for Infections in Cancer (NCIC) Clinical Research Fellow will provide high quality oversight and care for patients enrolled in infection clinical trials, assist in developing studies and study conduct including protocol development, sponsorship and ethics applications, determining eligibility, screening, consenting, enrolment, co-ordinating and conducting study visits, and capturing adverse events. The fellow will perform data collection, manuscript writing and participate in Infectious diseases unit education and team meetings and will participate in education and research in the field of infectious diseases.

Education opportunites

Visiting Fellow Program

This year, we hosted many visiting fellows from various global locations, Italy, Spain, Singapore and many more. It was a successful year in promoting collaboration and education, all aimed at improving outcomes for immunocompromised patients. This program focuses on enhancing infection management skills for diverse cancers and immunocompromised hosts within a tertiary centre that is pioneering new cancer therapies.

PhD Projects

Next year, the NCIC will offer several PhD opportunities. As Australia’s leading centre for infections in cancer, we aim to provide students with the chance to complete their PhD with us. This is a great opportunity to work on projects in a rapidly growing field, where new cancer therapies are being developed. As survival rates improve, the epidemiology of infections in immunocompromised patients continues to evolve, creating a need for better diagnostics and treatments.

2024 NCIC Symposium

Two weeks ago, the NCIC hosted its annual symposium, focused on the theme “Tackling Fungal Infections: Novel Immune & Diagnostic Approaches.”

Thank you to all our speakers and participants for making this symposium such a success.

The 2024 NCIC Annual Symposium recording

To view the recording at your convenience, please find the video below and also on our YouTube channel.

NCIC Annual Symposium Video

Feature Paper

The study highlights limitations in the EORTC/MSGERC criteria for diagnosing invasive aspergillosis (IA), particularly regarding host factors and repeat molecular testing. These criteria require clear host risk factors and repeated positive molecular or microbiological findings to classify a case as "proven" or "probable" IA. However, the study shows that patients who do not meet these criteria still experience high mortality rates, indicating the need to reconsider how these factors are applied in clinical practice.

NCIC 2024 Publications

This year NCIC has been busy, they have authored and co-authored a suite of clinical publications on the treatment and management of a range of infections in the Immunocompromised Host. To read all NCIC publications please find the link to our website here.

Some of the highlights include:

In 2024 the NCIC Welcomed

The NCIC is thrilled to welcome new staff members and various visitors throughout 2024. We are proud to have such a dedicated and skilled workforce, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration and growing with our team into 2025. At the NCIC, our goal is to foster teamwork and enhance infection management skills for individuals with diverse cancers and transplant recipients. Additionally, we offer honorary positions for overseas fellows to join and work alongside our NCIC team. Learn more about our visting fellow program here.

Evona Fung and Sapna Dhunlall

Evona is our AMS- Clinical Nurse Specialist and Sapna our clinical trials administration assistant

Jia Hiu, Zenina Andrews, Violet Zhu

Jia Hiu is Infectious Diseases visiting fellow, Zenina is the infectious diseases research assistant, Violet is the antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacist

Beatrice Miani

Infectious Diseases International visiting research fellow

Dr Ian Lim

Infectious diseases consultant, international short-term fellowship


nfectious Diseases International visiting fellow

Priya Garg

Infectious Diseases clinician and PhD student.

Julia Zhevelyuk

Visiting Biomed student


Infectious Diseases International visiting fellow

Michelle Balm

Visiting Infectious Diseases clinician from New Zealand

Dr Alice Liu

Infectious Diseases Registrar

2024 Awards and Achievements

Dr Abby Douglas

Peter Mac Lea Award and the ICHS best poster award

A/Prof Michelle Yong

Appointed Associated Proffessor, ICHS 2030 Melbourne President and Board director of the ictorian Paediatric Cancer Consortium

Dr Victoria Hall

University of Melbourne 2024 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Research and a highly competitive international Moderna Fellowship award

Dr Morgan Rose

Phd Completion

Dr Julian Lindsay

One of three finalists for the HSR category of the 2024 Vicotria Premieers award for science.

Prof. Monica Slavin

Royal Melbourne Hosptial Research Hall of Fame and the Melbourne Medical School Brownless medal

Grants in 2024

NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence 

Transforming infection management in the era of emerging cancer therapies is the second NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence (CRE) grant awarded to the NCIC team. Building on our initial CRE in 2017 and ongoing Synergy grant (awarded in 2022) we will lead a programme aimed at improving infection management for patients undergoing new cancer therapies. With the rise of immune system-targeting treatments like CAR T-cell therapy and small molecule inhibitors, survival rates for cancer patients have increased dramatically. However, these therapies come with a heightened risk of infections, which remain a leading cause of mortality among treated individuals. 

ANZMIG and Pfizer research grants awarded to Dr Zoe Neoh 

Susceptibilities of clinical non-Aspergillus mould (NAM) isolates to current and new antifungal agents in Australia and New Zealand or the NAM study has received funding support from ANZMIG to perform isolate susceptibility testing in conjunction with NCIC collaborator Prof Sharon Chen, Westmead, Sydney. Zoe was also successful with a Pfizer project grant to evaluate isavuconazole use in Australia.

Dr Abby Douglas Project ’Improving outcomes in high-risk cancer patients through rational antimicrobial use

This program will study new cutting-edge diagnostic tests and clinical trials of antibiotic cessation to reduce antibiotic use and improve patient care successfully funded through an NHMRC investigator grant.

Dr Gabrielle Haeusler Project - Reducing the burden of infection for children with cancer 

 Dr Haeusler’s research program will explore new ways to detect and monitor complicated infections, assess the safety of shortening antibiotic courses and develop national guidelines for infection management to improve outcomes of childhood cancer. Successfully funded through an NHMRC investigator grant VCCC alliance and Tour de Cure foundation.

Upcoming events

ICHS Webinar: Controversies in the Vaccination of Immunocompromised Patients

Australian Society for Antimicrobials 24th Annual Scientific Meeting 2025

The 2025 Howard Florey Oration will be delivered by Karin Thursky from The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

The programme's symposia cover many different aspects of antimicrobials and sessions including:

  • Complex AMR Infections in Vulnerable Populations

  • Mycobacteria

  • Mycology

  • Post COVID: Ongoing Public Health Challenges

  • Gram-negative Bacteria

    Important Dates

    Abstract Submission Deadline Friday 13 December 2024 11:59 PM AEDT

    Abstract Notification Deadline Friday 3 January 2025

    Early Bird Registration DeadlineFriday 10 January 2025 11:59 PM AEDT

Fred Hutch Symposium on Infectious Diseases in Immunocompromised Host  

Please join us on May 11 – 14, 2025, in Seattle, Washington, for the 5th Symposium on Infectious Diseases in the Immunocompromised Host. Mark your calendar for an expanded two and a half-day program that brings together leaders and trainees in research and clinical care of infectious diseases in the immunocompromised host.

The NCIC is on BlueSky now!

We are excited to share that the NCIC will be transitioning to BlueSky.

Make sure to follow us on BlueSky and stay tuned for more developments as we settle into this new space and don’t forget, you can always stay connected with the team and community on LinkedIn for the latest updates and news. 

We look forward to connecting with you on both LinkedIn and BlueSky.

Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer

October 2024 NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

Welcome to the October edition of the NCIC newsletter!

As we approach the year's end, we have many exciting announcements to share that highlight the outstanding work being accomplished at NCIC so far.

Also, we look forward to November hosting an array of incredible symposiums and events.

These events are a fantastic opportunity to hear from ID experts so be sure to sign up and register your attendance! 


Next Friday the 1st of November is the NCIC's annual symposium, this year promises to be an exciting and insightful event, focusing on “Tackling Fungal Infections: Novel Immune & Diagnostic Approaches.”  

Guest international speaker Prof. Dimitrios Kontoyiannis from MD Anderson will delve into the role of immune checkpoint inhibitors in managing invasive fungal infections. We will also hear from other guest speakers on their topics all set to be fantastic presentations.  

The symposium will also feature a panel discussion with experts including Prof. Monica Slavin, Prof. David Gottlieb, Dr. Shivani Pasricha, and Dr. Julian Lindsay. Together, they will explore future directions for immune therapies in treating fungal infections. 

Lunch and refreshments will be provided, so be sure to register your attendance to ensure you don’t miss out! 

Announcements and Achievements

Congratulations Prof Monica Salvin - Inducted into Royal Melbourne Hospital Research Hall of Fame 2024 

Earlier this month, The Royal Melbourne Hosptial (RMH) held their 2024 Research Conference. During the closing remarks Prof Monica Slavin was honoured with the award by becoming inducted into the RMH Hall of Fame. This award recognises her dedication, commitment and contributions to infectious diseases research.  

Congratulations to Dr. Victoria Hall for winning the 2024 Dean's Award for Excellence in Graduate Research

This award recognises the outstanding achievements in the previous calendar year across three categories; Research Publications/ Outputs; Recognition of Excellence (awards and prizes); Research Impact and Engagement (contributions to, and engagement with faculty, UoM and external community groups).  
Special thanks to Tori’s primary supervisor, Dr. Ben Teh, and co-supervisors Professor Monica Slavin, Michelle Yong, and Professor Katherine Kierderska. 

 Congratulations A/Prof Michelle Yong: Appointed Board Director of the Victorian Paediatric Cancer Consortium

The Victorian Paediatric Cancer Consortium unites leading researchers and clinical organisations to create a central hub that fosters collaboration across diverse disciplines. Well done, A/Prof Michelle Yong, on this important appointment! Your commitment to collaboration and expertise will play a vital role in improving outcomes for children with cancer and their families. 


Congratulations to Dr Morgan Rose for passing his PhD

Dr Morgan Rose’s PhD focus was on Antibiotic Allergy in Critical Care and Cancer: Implementation of novel digital health solutions and health service models.  

Your hard work has paid off, and this recognition is well-deserved. Well done!

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Workshop

Infectious disease experts propose trials network dedicated to immunocompromised patients. ImmunOptimize workshop convened stakeholders across disciplines to brainstorm infectious disease clinical trials network designed to serve people with weakened immune systems.

“We need roots, not parachutes,” said Fred Hutch Cancer Center infectious disease expert Joshua Hill, MD, who headed the ImmunOptimize scientific committee. “We need a grassroots effort to address the unmet needs of immunocompromised patients. The time is right to bring the conversations to the forefront.”

Feature Paper

NCIC PhD candidate Dr Olivia Smibert has recently published details of the HOMISPEC project which aims to collect paired stool and saliva from up to 768 participants over 5 years with the aim of exploring the link between gut microbiota and health in organ transplant and immunocompromised patients.

Global Health Celebrations

World Pharmacist Day: NCIC Pharmacy Careers  

World Pharmacist Day internationally recognises and celebrates the crucial role that pharmacists play in the creating healthier communities.  At NCIC, we recently held a successful Pharmacist Career Info Night, where we showcased the remarkable career paths of our pharmacy PhDs. This event highlighted their achievements and offered valuable insights into the diverse opportunities at the NCIC.   

Please watch below video recording of this meeting.

World Sepsis Day

September 13th is World Sepsis Day; it is a global initiative that aims to raise awareness about this life-threatening condition. NCIC’s expert Infectious Diseases Nurse Practitioner Belinda Lambros says that the faster we recognise those signs, the faster we can treat them, and the better the outcome.

To spread the awareness of Sepsis please read and share below the information document below.

Upcoming Events

Australia Centre for Transplantation excellence and research (ACTER) - CMV &Transplant Infectious Diseases Symposium  

Monday 11 November 2024 2:00pm

The Austin Hosptial

The ACTER Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Transplant Infectious Diseases Symposium will bring together clinicians from various specialties to discuss updates on CMV management in solid organ transplant and address clinical challenges related to infection risks in deceased organ donors.

Keynote speaker Associate Professor Camille Kotton will lead the discussion, followed by patient case reviews and networking opportunities.

Please see below QR Code and button to sign up.

Forbes Week 2024

13-15 November, 2024

Host Sites: Alfred, RMH/Peter Mac, Monash
Fellow: Dr. Camille Kotton, MGH
Dr. Kotton is an esteemed clinician with extensive expertise in transplant infectious diseases, particularly in CMV, vaccines, and travel health.

On Thursday, November 14, the oration will take place at Peter Mac Centre from 5:45 PM, followed by a dinner at Red Spice Road at 7 PM. Tickets are $150, which includes a multi-course meal and drinks.

Please book your tickets via Forbes Week Dinner below.

ICHS Webinar: Landscape of CMV Management in Transplant Recipients

5th December, 2024

This series will provide dynamic, interactive content based on needs assessments and feedback from our scientific sessions. The goal is to deliver comprehensive scientific programming, insights into cutting-edge research, innovative care practices, and Q&A opportunities with a diverse range of experts.

Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer

September 2024 NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

The September newsletter is a bumper edition with a second NHMRC CRE for NCIC and a second for our sister CRE NCAS announced and an ANZMIG grant awarded to Dr Zoe Neoh. We welcome a visiting resident doctor in Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the University of Bologna - Sant'Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Italy, Dr Beatrice Miani. We also have two important surveys open and invite you to participate in the INTERACT study run by our feature NCIC PhD clinician Dr Priya Garg and an International Immunocompromised Host Society (ICHS) education needs survey. We ran a hugely successful Pharmacy PhD Career night this last month, you can view the career journey stories of our amazing NCIC and NCAS Pharmacists on our youtube channel. Also on our youtube channel is a recent open Unit meeting “C. difficile round table: spotlight on the cancer FMT experience” which is a must watch as we plan to implement FMTs in ICH patients in Melbourne. Also announcing some save the dates for NCIC symposium “Tackiling Fungal Infections” with a fantastic line up of presenters, and Forbes week featuring ICHS Council alum Prof Camille Kotton, MD coming up in November.

Grant announcements

NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence

Transforming infection management in the era of emerging cancer therapies is the second NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence (CRE) grant awarded to the NCIC team. Building on our initial CRE in 2017 and ongoing Synergy grant (awarded in 2022) we will lead a programme aimed at improving infection management for patients undergoing new cancer therapies. With the rise of immune system-targeting treatments like CAR T-cell therapy and small molecule inhibitors, survival rates for cancer patients have increased dramatically. However, these therapies come with a heightened risk of infections, which remain a leading cause of mortality among treated individuals.

We will utilise real-world data to better understand infection rates, risk factors, and outcomes in patients post-therapy. The goal is to develop new care models and enhance infection prevention strategies by leveraging digital health technologies, such as electronic health records.

This approach promises to optimise patient outcomes and establish new standards in infection management for cancer care and we are excited to pioneer research that integrates cutting-edge digital health solutions with real-world clinical data. Our aim is to lead both nationally and internationally in transforming how infections are managed in the era of advanced cancer therapies.

ANZMIG Research grant awarded to Dr Zoe Neoh

Susceptibilities of clinical non-Aspergillus mould (NAM) isolates to current and new antifungal agents in Australia and New Zealand or the NAM study has received funding support from ANZMIG to perform isolate susceptibility testing in conjunction with NCIC collaborator Prof Sharon Chen, Westmead, Sydney. Congratulations Zoe and team! You can hear more from Zoe and her career journey as a Pharmacist PhD on our Pharmacy PhD Career night recording.

We need your help!

The ICHS is conducting an informal educational needs assessment to identify gaps in knowledge and educational needs for those treating immunocompromised patients. Please respond to this brief 6-question survey by September 13, 2024.


On behalf of the INTERACT study group (headed by Professor Monica Slavin, Professor Lisa Hall and A/Professor Leon Worth) at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and National Centre for Infections in Cancer, you are invited to participate in an Australia/New Zealand survey on infection prevention and surveillance practice in the care of those with cancer and or transplant (solid-organ/haematopoietic stem-cell).  

This survey seeks input from all infectious diseases/ microbiology and or infection prevention healthcare professionals (physicians/registrars/ nurses and allied health) working with hospitalised adult cancer and or transplant recipients in Australasian healthcare facilities, and is being conducted to establish knowledge and better understand clinical practice in infection prevention well as mechanisms for monitoring and reporting of opportunistic and healthcare-associated pathogens amongst this vulnerable group.  

Participants will not be required to input their name or that of their facility, and multiple respondents from the same facility may participate.

Results from this study will support focussed quality improvement projects to help reduce the incidence of preventable infection amongst this high-risk immunocompromised cohort. Your participation is vital in aiding further research in this area, and we are grateful for your consideration. 

The survey should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete

Welcome International Fellow

Welcome Dr Beatrice Miani

Visiting resident doctor in Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the University of Bologna - Sant'Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Italy.

Seminars to watch


Staff profile: Dr Priya Garg MBBS BSc DTM&H FRACP 

Infectious Diseases Physician 

NCIC PhD Candidate 


Priya’s PhD will work in collaboration with Australasian healthcare-workers to establish current knowledge, clinical practice and infrastructure for infection prevention and surveillance of healthcare-associated and opportunistic infections in the vulnerable cancer and transplant population nationwide. This will be built on by a multi-site project with the aim of quantifying rates of key infections amongst this cohort and identifying modifiable risk factors at a patient level. Dr Garg will then use this data to determine infectious priorities and ultimately support focused nationally applicable quality improvement projects with the overall objective of informing future strategy to strengthen infection prevention and surveillance in cancer and transplant across Australasia. Supervised by Professor Monica Slavin, Professor Lisa Hall and A/Professor Leon Worth we look forward to following Priya’s PhD progress!

The INTERACT Study survey is now open

Upcoming meetings

Forbes Week

November 13-15 2024

Oration and Dinner Thursday 14th Nov

Camille Nelson Kotton MD, FIDSA, FAST is the Clinical Director of Transplant and Immunocompromised Host Infectious Diseases in the Infectious Diseases Division at the Massachusetts General Hospital. She spends the majority of her time seeing inpatients and outpatients, before and after solid organ and bone marrow transplant, as well as other immunocompromised hosts. Her interests include vaccination, travel medicine for transplant recipients, and reducing the infectious risks of immunocompromising medications. She has written numerous articles and chapters, and also speaks nationally and internationally on a regular basis. She is the past chair of the Infectious Disease Community of Practice, American Society of Transplantation, and is on the planning committee for the American Transplant Congress. She has excellent clinic flexibility and can often see transplant patients on a fairly immediate basis.

Please speak to your local Forbes week organising committee member for more info

Camille Kotton, MD

Infectious Disease Specialist
Clinical Director, Transplant and Immunocompromised Host Infectious Diseases


Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer and Transplantation

July 2024 NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

Welcome to the July edition of the NCIC newsletter! This month we are celebrating new staff members, officially opening the fungal NAPS and inviting you to some exciting events coming up. We also wish everyone putting in to the latest round of NHMRC adn MRFF grants good luck! We are excited to continue to support and collaborate all our NCIC partners.


Welcome new staff!

Evona and Sapna have started at the NCIC recently. Evona is our new AMS- CNS and Sapna our new clinical trials admin assistant. Welcome both!

We would like to invite Australian hospitals to participate in the 2024 national benchmarked Antifungal NAPS audit.

Upcoming Events

Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer

June 2024 NCIC Newsletter


Dear all,

Welcome to the June newsletter, acknowledging the past few weeks. As the international conference excitement simmers down, the NCIC community is still jam packed with new announcements, achievements, and new conferences to look forward to!


Congratulations to Dr Julian Lindsay on being one of three finalists in the HSR category of the 2024 Victoria Premiers Award for Science!

Julian completed his PhD looking at antimicrobials as prophylaxis in Haem patients at NCIC in 2023 and has since gone to join the Fred Hutch as a Clinical Pharmacist. Julian recently co-authored a Transplant Infectious Diseases publication on the role of Pharmacists in the clinical care of Haem patients.

Specialist pharmacists are becoming increasingly important in the care of cancer patients with infections. We have successfully developed and implemented a NCIC AMS pharmacist role to provide supervised research opportunities, build a track record and prepare to enter a PhD program. With close ties to our sister CREs The National Center for Antimicrobial Stewardship, and CRE-Respond we have opportunities for pharmacists to work with leading collaborators in PK/PD modelling, antibiotic drug level monitoring, and national antimicrobial stewardship programs.   Our website has more info on the pharmacist PhD pathway. 


Monica ranked #50 within Australia and 1 of 5 women within the top 50. Well done, Monica!

Research. Com's best researchers ranking is a lineup of leading scientists from the discipline of Microbiology, created using a thorough study of 166,880 scientists identified from multiple bibliometric data sources. For the discipline of Microbiology, over 44555 scientists were examined.


World-first PMCC study into penicillin allergy in critical illness 

Dr Morgan Rose, a Peter Mac PhD student and infectious diseases physician at the PMCC Infectious Diseases Unit’s National Centre for Infections in Cancer (NCIC), recently published a world-first study into penicillin allergy in leading critical care journal, Intensive Care Medicine

Dr Morgan Rose

Dr Rose completed the world’s first randomised control trial of a tablet test dose for low-risk penicillin allergy in the intensive care unit (ICU). The study included 80 critically ill patients who reported a penicillin allergy in four Melbourne ICUs. Each patient consented to being randomly assigned to receive either a penicillin test dose or routine care without a test dose.   

Dr Rose found that 98% of patients tested were found to no longer be allergic, even after repeat doses of penicillin. There were no serious adverse reactions identified following penicillin testing. 

Whilst penicillins are often the antibiotics of choice for critically ill patients, almost 7% of ICU patients believe they have a penicillin allergy and therefore receive alternate therapies. 

Dr Rose's work will be of great benefit to the hospital’s sickest patients. “Patients in intensive care have a greater need for antibiotics. By demonstrating that ICU patients no longer have a penicillin allergy, we can offer them the best possible care at a time when they need it most.” 

Professor Monica Slavin, PMCC Infectious Diseases and NCIC Director says "This work highlights the strong collaborative links between PMCC/NCIC as world-leaders in antibiotic allergy research and improves the equity of access to allergy assessment in some of our most vulnerable patients." 

This groundbreaking research helps to expand the equity of access to timely antibiotic allergy assessment. Dr Rose plans to build on the findings of this study to explore the impact of penicillin allergy testing on subsequent antibiotic use within the intensive care unit setting.

Congratulations Dr Morgan Rose for completing his PhD!

Dr Morgan Rose’s project: antibiotic allergy in critical care and cancer: implementation of novel digital health solutions and health service models. Supervised by Prof Monica Slavin, A/Prof Jason Trubiano, Dr Natasha Holmes and mentored by Dr Janine Trevillyan.

Past events

Celebrated International Nurses Day

We celebrated International Nurses Day on the 12th of May. We recognise the societal benefit nurses provide by contributing to the advancement of medical science. Everyday our nurses are putting in the hard groundwork and by doing so, deliver amazing care to patients, consumers, and each other. At NCIC our nurses are the future; with nurse led research, Antimicrobial Stewardship CNS, Nurse Practitioner pathways and practice changing clinical trials all currently underway!

American Transplant Congress 2024

The American Transplant Congress (ATC) is the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) and the American Society of Transplantation (AST). The educational offerings provide attendees the opportunity to learn cutting-edge advances in research and exchange of ideas and practice in the field of solid organ and tissue transplantation.

Prof Monica Slavin recently presented at the 2024 American Transplant Congress, Philly on managing infection risk in SOT with additional immune suppression conditions. Looks like a great meeting!

Upcoming Events

Registration opens the 22nd of May 2024 and closes the 5th October 2024


Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer and Transplantation

May 2024 NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

April hosted many successful conferences that connected Infectious diseases experts from across the world. I am extremely proud to say that the NCIC had a magnificent presence at these events, from leading seminars to poster presentations. This month's newsletter will highlight some of these moments! 

ESCMID Global Congress 2024 Highlights

The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) is the Premier European Infectious Diseases conference attended by over 20,000 people with an average of 5,000 scientific abstracts submitted.  

Professor Slavin is an executive member of the ECCMID Immunocompromised Host Study Group and Prof Thursky is an executive member of the AMS study group. 

 This year the congress was held in Barcelona, Spain and was attended by 10 NCIC current and past staff members.  

The presented work include -

  • PhD candidate Victoria Hall, who presented results from the InFLUencer trial, which showed that two doses of adjuvanted flu vaccine in patients with haematological malignancy have more side effects for no benefit, compared to two standard doses of flu vaccine.

  • Dr Ben Teh, on strategies for vaccination uptake in immunocompromised people.

  • Dr Zoe Neoh, on success in rare mould infections.

  • Dr Anna Khanina, who led the meet-the-expert session on invasive fungal infection management.

ESCMID presentation images of Dr Neoh, Dr Khanina, Prof Slavin, Group image of NCIC colleagues, Dr Teh

ESCMID Late Breakers

Interferon-α (IFN-α) nasal spray reduces the incidence of COVID-19 in cancer patients

A/Prof Michelle Yong presenting Late breaker CSMART Trial at ESCMID

A/Prof Michelle Yong presented the outcomes of the NCIC developed IFN-a nasal spray at this years ECCMID, Barcelona, Spain. The late breaker abstract detailed the outcomes of the CSMART trial ( NCT04534725, ACTRN12620000843954); a world first randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled study performed in 433 adults with solid tumor or haematological malignancy in 2020-2023.  

Participants were randomly given IFN-α or saline (placebo) nasal spray and asked to take one spray per nostril daily for 3 months. Participants who developed symptoms self-collected nasal swabs for PCR testing and performed a RAT and sent them to the Peter Mac National Centre for Infections in Cancer (NCIC) study team.  

COVID infections happened significantly less in patients who used the IFN-a spray compared to those who used the placebo. 

“This is a very exciting and significant innovation. IFN-α nasal spray can provide an additional measure to vaccination and monoclonal antibodies in preventing COVID-19 in cancer patients and was well tolerated with few side effects. There is lots of further research to be done but this adds to all our other preventative measures especially in immunecompromised.”

- A/ Prof Michelle Yong

ICHS 2024 Biennial Symposium Highlights

A/Prof Michelle Yong announced Council Vice President

Prof Roy Chemaly (ICHS President) and A/Prof Michelle Yong

A/Prof Michelle Yong, ICHS Member at large was announced as the Council Vice President at the ICHS AGM, during ICHS 2024, Antalya Turkey. Michelle will join President Prof Roy Chemaly as Vice President during the 2026 ICHS, Houston, Texas.  She will then hold office of President Elect in 2028 and finally will be President ICHS in 2030. 

The International Immunocompromised Host Society (ICHS) is the premier, international, multidisciplinary forum for scientific and clinical interchange to improve understanding and management of the immunocompromised host. Their mission is to advance the understanding of the interactions between host defense and microbial agents to improve prevention and management of human disease in patients with compromised immune function. The ICHS biennial symposium brings together leaders in the field such as Prof Roy Chemaly, Prof Murat Akova, Prof Dimitrous Kontoyiannis, Prof Steven Pergam, Prof Camille Cotton, Prof Jay Fischman and many others with clinicians and scientists in a small intimate setting, emphasising on trainee mentoring and career development.   

The ICHS symposium is held every 2 years in the country of origin of the Council President of that year. Prof Monica Slavin was the first Australian President of the ICHS council with the ICSH Symposium held virtually in 2021. We are very excited to announce that we will hold the first in person ICHS in Australia in 2030 with A/Prof Michelle Yong as President. 

We strongly encourage you to engage the society and start planning for #ICHS2030! Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Follow ICHS on their website, X (formly twitter) and LinkedIn.

Dr Abby Douglas was awarded best poster at ICHS 2024!

Announced at ICHS 2024 was best abstract winner Dr Abby Douglas: Pre-neutropenic fever in high-risk haematology patients: A novel target for antimicrobial stewardship. Congratulations Abby!

Dr Abby Douglas presenting at ICHS 2024, Antalya

Staff profile: This month we are featuring the remarkable, accomplished Dr Victoria (Tori) Hall!

Tori has just departed our shores to take up a position as Transplant Infectious Diseases physician, Clinician-investigator at University of Toronto / University Health Network in Toronto, Canada. 

Dr Ben Teh, Dr Tori Hall, Prof Monica Slavin

Tori completed her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, (MBBS, Hons) in 2011 at the University of Melbourne. Completing her Advanced training in FRACP, Infectious Diseases) 2019 at the Alfred Hospital she then went on to complete a  Masters of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, James Cook University, Townsville (MPHTM) in 2020 before completing a 12 month Clinical Transplant and Oncology Infectious Diseases fellowship at the University Health Network, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada during COVID. During this 12 month stint Tori's research career really took off with 36 publications since 2020 including in NEJM, Nature Comms, Nature Immunol and Lancet regional health-Western pacific. 

Tori returned to Australia in 2022 to undertake a PhD at the NCIC University of Melbourne, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Doherty Institute “Defining host immune response and prevention strategies for viral respiratory tract infections in patients with hematological malignancy” Supervisors: A/Prof Benjamin Teh, Professor Monica Slavin, Dr Michelle Yong, Professor Katherine Kedzierska with an impressive 8 publications and 10 presentations at national and international conferences and counting  from her PhD work. 

Tori has also received numerous awards and accolades during her NCIC PhD including  a Victorian COVID-19 Vaccinees Collection (VC2) COVID-19 Research Seed Funding award, a Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Foundation Grant, a Dr Francisco Marty Transplant Infectious Disease Journal Editorial Fellowship, an American Transplant Congress Infectious Disease Community of Practice Travel Grant and The Rosie Lew Peter Mac Foundation Postgraduate Award. 

We wish Tori all the best in her future career which we are sure will continue on its meteoric trajectory. We look forward to many years of fruitful collaborations with her in Canada! 

We are hiring for two positions!


Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer and Transplantation

April 2024 NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

This month is full of many exciting conferences that will connect Infectious Diseases experts from all across the world. These events will be a platform for sharing many significant abstracts and presentations among our colleagues.

NCIC Team 2024

From left, (front) Belinda DePoi, Rachel Woolstencroft, Paul Kinsella, Zoe Neoh, Karin Thursky, Monica Slavin, Victoria Hall, Abby Douglas, Elizabeth Gillespie, (middle) Emily Klimevski, Zahra Alizada, Gemma Reynolds, Paul Lawton, Michelle Yong, Megan Crane, (back) Eve Jelovcan, Jess Demajo, Hayley Page, Ben Teh, Vlada Rozova, Nikhil Singh


Congratulations to Associate Professor Michelle Yong 

Peter Mac infectious diseases physician and researcher Dr Michelle Yong has been appointed to Associate Professor within the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology at the University of Melbourne. Medical Lead for the National Centre for Infections in Cancer’s Clinical Trials Unit, Associate Professor Yong’s research work specialises in cytomegalovirus (CMV) and viral infections in transplant and immune-compromised hosts. She has 55 publications and has attracted more than $19 million in funding since 2018, including grants through the MRFF and the NHMRC. A winner of the Peter Mac Discovery Fellowship and the Peter Mac Lea Medal, Associate Professor Yong is recognised internationally, and is passionate about advancing gender equity in medical research. This is a very well-deserved achievement - congratulations Associate Professor Yong, from all of NCIC and Peter Mac. 


This week: See you Anatalya, Turkey for the ICHS Biennial Symposium 4-7 April 2024  

Antalya, Turkey

We will have a number of posters and presentations. Attended by Michelle Yong, Monica Slavin, Ben Teh, Nicholas Laundy, Megan Crane and Gemma Reynolds. 

  • Abstract Title: A CASE OF BRAIN AND LIVER ABSCESSES POST-STEM CELL TRANSPLANT IN THE SETTING OF SUBOPTIMAL ANTIMICROBIAL PROPHYLAXIS for presentation at the ICHS 23rd Symposium Jack Cooper, Alistair Tinson, Florence Ho, Michelle K Yong 

  • Abstract Title: Mixed Invasive Mould Infections in Patients with Haematologic Malignancy Shio Yen Tio1-3, Leon J. Worth1-3, David Ritchie3,5-6, Joe Sasadeusz4, Lynette Chee5, Monica A. Slavin1-4, Michelle K. Yong1-4 

  • Poster presentation Dr Abby Douglas: Cost-effectiveness of FDG-PET/CT for investigation of persistent or recurrent neutropenic fever in high risk patients  

  • Poster presentation Dr Abby Douglas: Pre-neutropenic fever in high-risk haematology patients: A novel target for antimicrobial stewardship 

  • Invited speaker presentation Dr Abby Douglas: Treatment of febrile neutropenia in 2024 in a low risk setting  

  • Abstract Title: Anaerobe-targeting antibiotic exposure associated with poor overall survival after liver transplant -Dr Olivia Smibert BMedSci, MBBS (Hons) FRACP, Dip Trop Med Head of Transplant Infectious Diseases   

Next up - We will see you in Barcelona, Spain- ECCMID 27-30 April 2024

  • Abstract Title: Real-world single centre analysis of virological response to Third party CMV-specific T cell lymphocyte (CTL) for refractory CMV infection following allogeneic haematopoietic cell therapy (HCT) Ray Mun Koo1,2, Michelle K Yong 3,4,5, Sarah Tan1, Alexandra Rivalland1, Joe Sasadeusz4 ,Claire Dowsing1, Elizabeth O’Flaherty1, Barbara Hockridge1, Emma-Kate McPherson1, David S Ritchie1,2 

  • Abstract Title: Interferon-α (IFN-α) nasal spray as prophylaxis reduces the incidence of COVID-19 in cancer patients: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled study (The C-SMART Trial) Michelle K. Yong1-4, Karin Thursky1-4, Megan Crane1,4, Tim Spelman4, Robert K. Mahar5, Julie Simpson5, Andrew M. Scott6, Simon J. Harrison7, Jeff Szer7, Marc Pellegrini8, Senthil Lingaratnam9, Ken C. Pang10, Surekha Tennakoon1,4, Emily Blyth11, Hui K. Gan12, Hang Quach13, Michelle P. McIntosh14, Hayley Page1,3,4, Rachel Woolstencroft1,3,4, Monica Slavin1-4 

  • Invited speaker presentation Dr Zoe Neoh: Beyond clinical trials: Real-world insights into Lomentospora prolificans and Scedosporium spp. infections and treatment 

Feature Paper - Antibacterial prophylaxis for neutropenic and high-risk hematology patients-Do the benefits outweigh the risk?

NCIC’s current and former PhD students, Dr Gemma Reynolds and Dr Julian Lindsay, provide an updated commentary on the role of quinolone prophylaxis in febrile neutropenia, following their work together on the upcoming Febrile Neutropenia Guidelines. The collaboration is hopefully one of many between the NCIC and Fred Hutch Cancer Centre, where Dr Lindsay now works as a clinical research pharmacist focusing on infections in bone marrow transplant recipients. 

Dr Julian Lindsay

Dr Gemma Reynolds

World TB Day- Multidisciplinary case discussion on Ventoclax and TB

Acknowledging World TB day, last Thursday 28th of March we held a special Multidisciplinary case discussion on Ventoclax and TB with Victorian Infectious Diseases Service, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre’s Infectious Disease’s unit and PMCC Haem unit. You can view the recording within the NCIC’s journal club page under the March Seminar: TB and Venetoclax.

Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer and Transplantation

March 2024 NCIC Newsletter

Dear all,

Welcome to the third newsletter of this year. The next few months will be very busy for the NCIC, with many exciting international events. These events will be a platform for sharing many significant abstracts and presentations among our colleagues. Stay tuned for updates and highlights from these events!  

NCIC Team 2024

From left, (front) Belinda DePoi, Rachel Woolstencroft, Paul Kinsella, Zoe Neoh, Karin Thursky, Monica Slavin, Victoria Hall, Abby Douglas, Elizabeth Gillespie, (middle) Emily Klimevski, Zahra Alizada, Gemma Reynolds, Paul Lawton, Michelle Yong, Megan Crane, (back) Eve Jelovcan, Jess Demajo, Hayley Page, Ben Teh, Vlada Rozova, Nikhil Singh


Fantastic Effort! TWO Late Breaker oral abstracts will be presented at ECCMID 2024! 

NCIC is extremely proud to announce two late icebreaker oral abstracts were accepted to be presented at ECCMID 2024. Dr Michelle Yong and Dr Vicotria Hall will be presenting their abstracts within a 1- hour oral session. Please visit the ECCMID 2024 programme website to review live changes to session times.  

Dr Victoria Hall 

A randomised trial of two standard dose vs two adjuvanted influenza vaccines in patients with haematological malignancy  

Dr Michelle Yong

IFN nasal spray as prophylaxis reduces the incidence of COVID-19 in cancer patients: A randomized double blinded placebo- controlled study (The C-SMART Trial) 

Congratulations Dr Abby Douglas for receiving Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Lea Award! 

We're excited to share the great news that Dr. Abby Douglas, a respected NCIC Investigator, has won the 2024 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Lea Award! This award recognizes female identifying researchers in response to historic gender imbalances in senior ranks of health and science. Abby's groundbreaking work, which started during her NCIC PhD, is all about developing better ways to diagnose Invasive Fungal Infections (IFIs). Abby's work ultimately means less time in hospital and fewer antibiotics for highly vulnerable cancer patients.

From left to right: Dr Dineika Chandrananda, Dr Abby Douglas

Professor Monica Slavin has been appointed “ESCMID Fellow” – Well done! 

Congratulations Prof Monica Slavin in being appointed by the ESCMID Executive Committee to receive the title of "ESCMID Fellow". The merit-based title "ESCMID Fellow" recognizes individuals who have achieved professional excellence and rendered outstanding service to the profession and society. 

Exciting news: Numerous accepted abstracts to be featured in upcoming events

The next few months will be busy with many exciting events that will take place over March and April. These events will provide the opportunity to communicate on an international level the important work we do. Please attend to support the presenting collogues from all around the world.

NCIC Colleagues Featured abstracts and speaker presentations:  

Australasian society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) Annual Scientific Meeting 7-9 March 2024 

  • Abstract Title: Characterising Respiratory Infections in Immune-suppressed Haematology Patients Undergoing Bronchoscopy (CRISP BAL study) – Analysis of the First 80 Episodes of Pulmonary Infiltrates Shio Yen Tio1-3, Leon J. Worth1-3, Surekha Tennakoon1,2, Emily Klimevski1,2, Kar Yee Yong1,2, David Ritchie3,5-6, Joe Sasadeusz4, Lynette Chee5,6, Louis Irving7, Renee Manser7, Monica A. Slavin1-4, Michelle K. Yong1-4 


European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) 27-30 April 2024

  • Abstract Title: Real-world single centre analysis of virological response to Third party CMV-specific T cell lymphocyte (CTL) for refractory CMV infection following allogeneic haematopoietic cell therapy (HCT) Ray Mun Koo1,2, Michelle K Yong 3,4,5, Sarah Tan1, Alexandra Rivalland1, Joe Sasadeusz4 ,Claire Dowsing1, Elizabeth O’Flaherty1, Barbara Hockridge1, Emma-Kate McPherson1, David S Ritchie1,2 

  • Abstract Title: Interferon-α (IFN-α) nasal spray as prophylaxis reduces the incidence of COVID-19 in cancer patients: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled study (The C-SMART Trial) Michelle K. Yong1-4, Karin Thursky1-4, Megan Crane1,4, Tim Spelman4, Robert K. Mahar5, Julie Simpson5, Andrew M. Scott6, Simon J. Harrison7, Jeff Szer7, Marc Pellegrini8, Senthil Lingaratnam9, Ken C. Pang10, Surekha Tennakoon1,4, Emily Blyth11, Hui K. Gan12, Hang Quach13, Michelle P. McIntosh14, Hayley Page1,3,4, Rachel Woolstencroft1,3,4, Monica Slavin1-4 

  • Invited speaker presentation Dr Zoe Neoh: Beyond clinical trials: Real-world insights into Lomentospora prolificans and Scedosporium spp. infections and treatment  

International Immunocompromised Host Society (ICHS) Biennial Symposium 4-7 April 2024  

  • Abstract Title: A CASE OF BRAIN AND LIVER ABSCESSES POST-STEM CELL TRANSPLANT IN THE SETTING OF SUBOPTIMAL ANTIMICROBIAL PROPHYLAXIS for presentation at the ICHS 23rd Symposium Jack Cooper, Alistair Tinson, Florence Ho, Michelle K Yong 

  • Abstract Title: Mixed Invasive Mould Infections in Patients with Haematologic Malignancy Shio Yen Tio1-3, Leon J. Worth1-3, David Ritchie3,5-6, Joe Sasadeusz4, Lynette Chee5, Monica A. Slavin1-4, Michelle K. Yong1-4 

  • Poster presentation Dr Abby Douglas: Cost-effectiveness of FDG-PET/CT for investigation of persistent or recurrent neutropenic fever in high risk patients  

  • Poster presentation Dr Abby Douglas: Pre-neutropenic fever in high-risk haematology patients: A novel target for antimicrobial stewardship 

  • Invited speaker presentation Dr Abby Douglas: Treatment of febrile neutropenia in 2024 in a low risk setting  

  • Abstract Title: Anaerobe-targeting antibiotic exposure associated with poor overall survival after liver transplant -Dr Olivia Smibert BMedSci, MBBS (Hons) FRACP, Dip Trop Med Head of Transplant Infectious Diseases   

Feature Paper - Editor’s Choice!

Dr Nikhil Singh was this month’s feature paper’s lead author. Nihil is recognised as a foundation fellow of the Australian and New Zealand college of advanced pharmacy as a consultant in infectious diseases and stewardship. This feature paper was acknowledged as the editor’s choice for the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, well done to the team!

Paper summary: Antimicrobial use, guideline compliance and appropriateness were assessed using 10 years of national prescription data for neutropenic fever. Piperacillin-tazobactam was the most widely preferred antimicrobial however underdosing was observed. Higher rates of inappropriate prescribing were found among the paediatric cohort and private hospitals, highlighting the need to increase resources for antimicrobial stewardship in these settings. 

Figure 2

What do you think is a valuable focus for an antifual prescribing audit? Please complete NAPS survey! 

The Antifungal National Antimicrobial Prescribing Survey (NAPS), launched in 2022, is a targeted deep dive audit assisting hospitals to understand the quality of systemic antifungal prescribing in their facility. It is a powerful tool to optimise the quality of antifungal prescribing and allows benchmarking of performance against similar facilities.   

The NAPS team promotes a targeted audit for benchmarking each year, encouraging healthcare facilities to employ a consistent audit methodology to allow meaningful benchmarking to take place. NAPS is asking healthcare facilities to partake in a survey to understand what Antifungal NAPS users feel is a valuable focus for an antifungal prescribing audit. The findings from this survey will assist in setting a targeted audit methodology for the 2024 and future Antifungal NAPS.  

The Antifungal NAPS benchmarked audit for 2024 will be launched mid-year, please keep an eye out for further details! 

Visiting Physician: Dr Michelle Balm

We welcomed Dr Michelle Balm, a clinical microbiologist, and infectious diseases physician from New Zealand. Michelle spent one week within the Infectious disease's unit here at Peter Mac to observe clinical practice within the team. We love to host international physicians, strengthening our connection to various colleagues from many places.  

We welcomed student Julia Zhevelyuk for her 160- hour placement!

We welcomed Biomedical Science Student Julia Zhevelyuk who completed a 160-hour placement with Peter Mac NCIC team over January/February. She learnt new research skills such as good clinical practice, data management and data collection. We wish her all the best in her future studies.

Please contact us if you are interested in competing your student placement with NCIC by emailing our unit manager directly.

International Women’s Day 8th of March – How do you inspire inclusivity? 

Friday 8th of March marks International Women’s Day. Almost 80% of the NCIC are female identifying. However, it is important to recognise that on average men continue to represent the majority among senior researchers and academic leaders in medical research institutes and hospitals within Australia.  

Despite this, we want to highlight how proud we are of our team and their achievements. Our goal is to uplift and celebrate the diversity of all women! 

 Flick through to read some of perspectives of the team, their thoughts on “How does NCIC inspire inclusion?”

Kind regards,

Prof Monica Slavin, MBBS, MD, FRACP, FAAHMS
Head, Department Infectious Disease, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Professor of Infection in Cancer and Transplantation, University of Melbourne Department of Infectious Diseases and the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology

Director, National Centre for Infections in Cancer and Transplantation