People sitting and watching a seminar

PhD Project Opportunities

See below the variety of PhD opportunties that the what the NCIC offers

The National Centre for Infections in Cancer has been continuously funded as a centre of research excellence by NHMRC since 2016. It is the leading research centre dedicated to improving patient outcomes in the area of infections in immune-compromised patients including haematological malignancy, solid tumours and haematopoietic stem cell and solid organ transplantation with many national and international collaborations. As new targeted therapies are being used in these patients (eg. CART, T cell therapies) and survival improves, the epidemiology of infections in this group continues to evolve and better diagnostics and treatments are needed.

FAQ’s about the NCIC PhD Projects

Do I need to be based in Melbourne, Australia to be eligible for PhD project oppotuntity wih the NCIC?

No, you do not! The NCIC is based in Melbourne at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre but we have successfully supervised students based in NSW, WA and even overseas! All our students are enrolled through the Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, University of Melbourne. For more info on undertaking a PhD at UoM pleases visit the website.

What are the research support services that the NCIC assist with?

There are many research support services for PhD students including clinical trials, laboratory, data management and health services research support. Salary support is also available and you should discuss your options with your potential supervisor.

How many PhD students does the NCIC supervise currently?

We currently supervise 10 PhD candidates.

What are the career opportunities that result from a NCIC PhD Project?

Many of our previous PhD students have developed into holding high leadership positions as hospital department heads, on national and international advisory committees, lead clinical Australian and international guidelines and hold leadership positions on ID specialist societies. For more information on where an NCIC PhD can take you you can view the profiles of past NCIC PhDs here.

Our Current PhD Projects